Friday, February 3, 2012


My plane landed in Chicago 20 minutes earlier than scheduled this morning,  :D which means that I have 20 more minutes to enjoy my weekend in Chi-town. I am totally grateful that my parents were able to buy me a roundtrip plane ticket to visit my dream college in Chicago.  Now that I think about it, if I do end up attending Columbia College I would probably have to take a major road trip in order to haul all of my stuff. The main problem is that my father and I loathe long we could decide to either 1) drive up with my stuff, leave me with the car while my dad books a flight back home, or 2) just pay for a one-way ticket and a ton of baggage.
I have nothing to do but dream big dreams while waiting for answers from my scholarship applications to arrive. :) Well, that and keep up my G.P.A.
I am trusting in God to guide me to the right university and grant me the scholarships I need for the school He wants me to attend. I can't wait to experience His plan for me beyond highschool!

Once Tia Sara picked me up from the airport, she drove me to this sweet place called Snax Cafe. I absolutely loved the warm atmosphere (especially since it was 35 degrees outside).
Tropical green tea with honey and lemon slices

Oatmeal waffles with cinnamon apple slices at Snax

After saying hello to Tia Alicia at the Family Bridges office and completing some grunt work for them, Tia Sarah took me to Trader Joes, a market stocked with a ton of organic food. I have heard about this store from other runner blogs, and it was as fantastic as I imagined it to be.
$10 Tips - Starbucks coffee ain't cheap.
Of course, Tia Sarah would have this on her office desk. ^ Love it! 

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