Saturday, December 10, 2011

the pluck to play

"Any coward can fight a battle when he's sure of winning; but give me the man who has pluck to fight when he's sure of losing."     -George Eliot

Three home games in a single week is enough to tire even the most stamina-infused high school athlete - after the game there are always homework assignments to complete and tests to study for.  Despite a grueling academic week and having tasted both victory and defeat in two previous home games, Tina came to her JV basketball game against Dillard completely focused and ready to fight. She had told me before the game that they would most likely be "stomped" by Dillard's JV team, but she wanted to enter the game with the mindset that anything could happen. The Lady Bulldogs had some tough factors going against them: Dillard had plenty of fresh athletes to sub in through-out the four quarters, while the two extra girls that usually gave relief to the Lady Bulldogs were injured and unable to play. By the end of the third quarter the Lady Bulldogs were tired, evidenced by their lowered arms and slower footwork. The score at the end of the game was 11-64.

Although Tina knew that this game would be challenging, and although the opposing team's high score by the second quarter was formidable, she kept her game-face on and refused to shrug off responsibility.

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