Wednesday began with a delicious egg casserole layered with hashbrowns, sausage, onions, and peppers covered with a melted layer of cheddar cheese. Besides utilizing her baking powers, Tia Sara also displayed her coffee-brewing prowess for the greater good of mankind (or, in this case, a handful of wide-eyed teenagers holding empty coffee mugs and attempting to look cute).
We began our volunteer work as imported laborers around 8 o'clock; stuffing envelopes, preparing flyers for Friday's theatre event & an upcoming volunteer banquet, and organizing a closet filled with miscellaneous items. For lunch, my clan sauntered downtown to a Venezuelan eatery for super-filling Arepas stuffed with shredded steak, black beans, and plantain slices. Erin's notorious habit of eating half of hamburgers, or this case, arepas, allowed me the yummy privilege of eating the rejected half of her arepa. (: I adore Spanish food. It's probably genetic or something.
Later in the afternoon we piled into the s.u.v. and rode to Naperville ( aka Prepville). Sadly, the Red Mango there didn't have green tea frozen yogurt, but the pomengranate fro-yo was still pretty good, especially with the addition of blueberries and yogurt chips. Due to the fact that Wednesday was one of the hottest days of the summer (heat index of 115), we visited the "Beach", a large pool/lake that goes down to 15 feet at it's farthest depths. The coolest part for me was the diving skills evident in Everyone from ages 5 to 60. People were diving in with the grace of dolphins, while I partially belly-flopped in my pathetic attempt to imitate their grace. I blame this lack of skill on my YMCA's pool, which lacks diving boards, and the unfortunate reality that I never had the chance to dive since fourth grade. (NO DIVING ALLOWED sound familiar?) However, I was able to coach Tina on how to dive (due to past swim team experience).
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